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YS-UVC004 color ink

To undertake:

Paper printing (especially for handbags, greeting cards, calendars and other printing).


1. To meet the die-cutting process;

2. insoluble powder, do not change color, color powder arranged in good condition;

3. Suitable for semi-automatic, automatic printing;

4. In some cases, plus powder varnish can also be used for sprinkling powder technology, UVC-3006 high price. UVC-coated crystal with good overall performance


Different colors of color powder affect the curing properties, should be fully tested.


1, users in the use of this product, please read the instructions, and must test the suitability of different batches of ink, the actual test India, to confirm the qualified before use in bulk;

2, the above conditions in the tolerance test data for the test conditions under the test results, not as a guarantee value.


