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YS-008 series of waterproof nylon cloth silk screen printing ink

Photocopiers: waterproof nylon cloth, no waterproof cloth, luggage cloth, nylon plastic.

Product examples: sun umbrella, awning, handbags, bags, clothing, hats and so on.

Product features: high gloss, excellent softness, waterproof nylon cloth with good adhesion.

Test items


Resistant to migration

Scratch resistance

Abrasion resistance

Resistant to rubbing

Acid resistance

Resistant to washing

Test Results


4 -5level




4  -5level


Product Specifications:



Color concentration





Solid content


Refer to the color card


7 μm or less





Instructions for use:

Screen: 150-250 mesh polyester screen printing plate

Scraping: It is recommended to use 65-85 degree polyurethane plastic scraping

Reference amount: 200 mesh screen printing is about 30 ㎡ / ㎏

Dry: natural evaporation and drying (surface dry 7-15 minutes, hard for 30 minutes or more) or 60 ℃ -80 ℃ baking 20-30min.

Selection of solvents: 719 quick-drying water, 718 dry water, cyclohexanone or 783 slow dry water, due to different printing environment temperature appropriate choice.

Screen cleaning: the choice of organic solvent cleaning (such as: washing water)


1. When using solvent to dilute the ink, please pay attention to the solubility of the solvent, if the solubility is too weak is prone to reverse the phenomenon of ink, then you must use a strong solvent solution.

2. Printing the bottom of the PVC peritoneum bag, because the PVC solvent resistance is poor, easy to cause the printed material when the sticky pattern, so pay attention to the ink when the drying situation, while avoiding excessive overlap.

3. Printing the bottom of the PVC peritoneum bag cloth, because PVC contains a large number of plasticizers, likely to cause color migration. Special attention should be paid to the use of better resistance to the permeability of the ink color.

4. Because of the wide variety of waterproof nylon cloth on the market, especially the different water treatment, the ink may be poor adhesion to some waterproof nylon cloth, so when using special attention to strict prenatal testing.

5. When printing waterproof nylon cloth, in order to improve the adhesion will add the right amount (5% -10%) 9004 catalyst to improve the adhesion of ink, add the catalyst ink in 8 hours to run out, otherwise the ink may agglomerate scrapped.

6. Before mass production, please try to be qualified before use.

Product packaging: 1 kg loaded, 5 kg loaded, 20 kg loaded

Storage conditions: 5 ℃ -35 ℃ conditions can be stored for two years, to avoid strong light exposure, anti-contact strong acid, alkali.


1, users in the use of this product, please read the instructions, and must test the suitability of different batches of ink, the actual test India, to confirm the qualified before use in bulk;

2, the above conditions in the tolerance test data for the test conditions under the test results, not as a guarantee value.

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If you need further information about our products, please leave your information, we will arrange the relevant personnel to contact you.

Dongguan City, a color of Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. Chen Jingli 15916853336


